Based on Edward Lee’s seminal and wildly controversial 2003 novel, “EDWARD LEE’S THE BIGHEAD” directed by Michael Ling is set in the West Virginian backwoods where vicious monsters, both human and supernatural, go on a terrifying rampage in search of a special young woman. Their path of destruction uncovers long held secrets and puts the fate of the entire world in jeopardy.
The short film stars Raquel Cantu as the untamable sexpot Jerrica, Carrie Malabre as the shy Charity, Orson Chaplin as the demented psychopath Tritt “Balls” Connor, and Lance Trezona as Tritt’s dim-witted accomplice Dicky. Also starring are Ashley Totin as the prostitute Rosie, Michael Coons as conflicted priest Father Tom, P.D. Miller as the bartender Frank, and Kelsey Tipton as the Bighead’s first victim Wendy. The frightening Bighead monster itself is played by Cheetah Platt.
“I have been working with Michael for a few years now, and I cannot be happier with the script we have and look of this film. I know THE BIGHEAD movie will kick ass and make a terrific horror movie. I cannot wait to see this flick!!” – Edward Lee, author of “The Bighead”
Award-winning director of photography Fady Hadid shot the film from writer/director Michael Ling’s script. Geoff Skinner and Donald Wygal, Jr. produced.
Monster FX produced the special monster and make up effects for the film. With decades of experience working on everything from features like The Devil’s Rejects to Black Eyed Peas music videos, Monster FX founders Mark Villalobos and Ron Karkoska specialize in creating unique, custom special effects on every project they tackle.
Large Melon Productions was formed in 2012 by Michael Ling, Donald Wygal, Jr., Geoff Skinner, and Timothy Martin with the mission of bringing Edward Lee’s The Bighead to the big screen. They gauged interest in the project by launching a Kickstarter campaign to raise money for a short movie adaptation of the book. They surpassed their goal and immediately began work on the short film.
Large Melon Productions is currently seeking financing for the full feature adaptation of The Bighead.
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To schedule interviews or request any additional information please contact Geoff Skinner at 310-927-1384 or email
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